Sylvaneth: An Army Retrospective
Lots of you who began following me and reacting to my online engagement did so (I presume) because of my 'grimdark' and 'blanchitsu' inspired army projects which I've shared over the years on Instagram. Last year's entry won me gold at Warhammer World, and garnered a lot of positive attention, so I thought I'd introduce and go over the project here, as a sort of retrospective.
The army was inspired by various sources, chiefly Exprofundis' own dark Sylvaneth and FPOA's Green Mechanicvm and also, my desire to alter the models in the Sylvaneth range to become more 'natural' and 'low-fantasy' looking.
One of my favourite models from the project was the above, a count-as Drycha, though I may use her as an Arch-Revenant from time to time. When I painted her, she was probably my best painted model.
My aim was to blur the line between elves and tree people, kind of combining them into one. Wood elves were the faction I always wanted for WHFB but never got around to doing, so I created them for this project instead. By the time I was this far in, I had decided to limit myself to not using actual Sylvaneth parts, save the odd Dryad limb.
The Primogentress, along with the first floaty lady, was part of the holy trinity of models for this project. Her head is actually from a necklace.
Lots of my models used actual roots and plants, such as these Tree-Revenants, which were daemonettes, each with a leg replaced with wood.
The crown of the project. This model was such a pain to paint, but it completes the holy trinity of models for this project, if I do say so.
The complete board at Warhammer World!
Since the completion of the army, I've added this group of models from the Nighvault range. I want to slowly update the army over time, adding to it as new unit types are released. Especially if more Kurnothi come out!
From now on, I’ll probably aim to post on here every Friday. So, thanks for reading! Follow me on Instagram @theempyrean_ and Twitter @theempyrean__.
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