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Getting Started with Trench Crusade (ft. Print Hub 3D)

  Hi, and welcome back to the Empyrean!  Trench Crusade is the big new miniature wargame making the rounds at the moment, and I haven't seen such enthusiasm for a non-GW release in a long long time. The game's massive Kickstarter success proves there's still an appetite for the macabre and grimdark in miniature wargaming in an era of "the grimdark style" becoming largely muddied and diluted and the marketing and overt content of Warhammer so sanitised. I think it's a great sign for this niche within a niche! I also have a special interest reason for hopping on the Trench Crusade train, which doubles as why this blog didn't see any activity in 2024--I started my PhD examining how the Book of Revelation's influence shapes western narratives and storytelling. This is super exciting to me, and after speaking with Tuomas Pirinen (of both Trench Crusade and Mordheim fame) it's obvious that similar interests and examinations are at the foundation of this ...

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